2023 Grants Awarded: Round 1

Radiant Life Pentecostal Church of God
To purchase food and personal hygiene products.
Ride On St. Louis
To support the agency's work with the capital campaign consultant that is helping the agency purchase new property.
Royal Order of the US Military P-38 Can Opener Assoc.
To provide 20 Veterans with disabilities an opportunity to attend a therapy camp.
Rural Parish Clinic of Archdiocese of St. Louis
To expand mobile medical and dental services for Jefferson County residents.
Saint Louis Crisis Nursery
To support the case management and basic needs program.
Saline Valley Fire Protection District
To purchase emergency medical equipment.
Second Hand Heros
To provide program support for the basic needs program.
Services by Design d/b/a Caring Solutions
To expand residential services for persons with developmental disabilities in Jefferson County.
Society of St. Vincent DePaul - Good Shepherd in Hillsboro Conference
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
Society of St. Vincent DePaul Our Lady Conference
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Fenton
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul - St. John's Conference
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need and to support the food pantry.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Immaculate Conception Parish in Arnold, MO
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Anthony's Church in High Ridge
To provide transportation assistance to individuals and families in need.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
St David SVDP Conference
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
St Joseph SVdP, Imperial
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
To provide program support for a prom for individuals with special needs.
St. John's Lutheran Church and School
To support the Care Coordination, Counseling Services, Support Groups and Foster Kids' Fun Night programs.
St. Louis Area Foodbank
To support monthly mobile food distribution events.
St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness (SLOCA)
To conduct an outreach campaign on ovarian cancer in Jefferson County and to provide financial assistance to ovarian cancer patients.
St. Patrick Center
To provide program support for the homeless prevention program for Veterans in Jefferson County.
St. Pius X High School
To purchase exercise equipment and expand workout options.
Sunnyhill, Inc.
To purchase adaptive water equipment to expand opportunities for people in wheelchairs to participate in water activities.
Sunrise R-IX School
To purchase emergency medical equipment.
The Arya Foundation
To provide adaptive equipment to Jefferson County children.
The Covering House
To support the construction of a new home for girls who have been sexually trafficked or exploited.
The Curators of the University of Missouri
To provide psychological evaluations for high-risk youth in Jefferson County.
The Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition
To support foster care services in Jefferson County.
The Salvation Army - Arnold Corps
To hire an additional part-time case worker and expand services.
The Salvation Army - Arnold Corps
To provide financial assistance and to support the case management program.
Tri-County Veterans in Need Team, Inc
To provide general and financial assistance to local Veterans.
United Way of Greater St. Louis
To provide financial assistance for transportation services in Jefferson County.
Unlimited Play
To implement an Inclusive Character Education program in Jefferson County schools.
Upward Smiles, Inc.
To purchase dental diagnostic and treatment equipment.
Wesley United Methodist Church
To support the back to school program that provides backpacks, school supplies and health screenings.
Wyman Center, Inc.
To provide program support for the Wyman Leaders program in Jefferson County.
Zion Lutheran Church
To provide program support for the basic needs program.
Zion Lutheran Church Pevely
To provide direct financial assistance to individuals and families in need.
Total for 2023